Programmers Present Widgy Form Builder at DjangoCon


Posted by fusionbox


Fusionbox programmers Gavin Wahl and Rocky Meza recently returned from this year’s DjangoCon in Portland, OR. While there, they were excited to show off one of the features of our open source CMS framework, Widgy. The feature they wanted to brag about was the drag & drop Form Builder.

In the past, many Fusionbox clients have wanted the ability to create custom forms on their site without doing any programming. This was difficult for several reasons, namely trying to mix different types of form fields together.

Fusionbox’s solution to this was to use a heterogenous tree model, where different nodes are independent of the nodes around them. This allows them to be different types of fields, be displayed in any order, and be added to in an extensible way.

Watch the video of their talk below, and follow along with the Slideshare underneath:

If you want to try out the form builder for yourself (or any other Widgy features), visit our Widgy site and try the demo.

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