Years ago, Fusionbox welcomed a group of students into the Fusionbox office to see how the inner workings of a web design company operated. We recently partnered again with KidsTek to bring a new group of students in. KidsTek is an after school technology and business education program for K-12 students.
Fusionbox was more than happy to welcome a group of Highschool sophmores and juniors from Denver North High School into the office for a lesson on design, development and SEO.
After learning some of the basics of an SEO and QA site audit, we set the students loose into two groups, each trying to find the most bugs with a site. We made a competition out of it.
Almost all websites have bugs, so it wasn't too hard to find some areas for improvement. This also gave the KidsTek students a real sense of what we do here at Fusionbox and why it is important. At Fusionbox, we pride ourselves on producing quality sites with clean code and optimized SEO. Contact us to arrange a site audit for your own site, or to arrange a visit to our office.